Download My Part Here
Some of the graphics from my part of the collab came from here
Mags - http://magsgraphics.blogspot.com/ DesignsByAmilyn - http://designsbyamilyn.blogspot.com/ Gina - http://gina-moondancecreations.blogspot.com/ Jen - http://www.scrappingwithjen.blogspot.com/ Aubrey's Mom - http://scrappinbyaubreysmom.blogspot.com/ Donna - http://www.tootlebugz.com/ Foxy - http://foxyladycreation.blogspot.com/ Debbie - http://digital-keepsakes.blogspot.com/ Becky - http://beckysscrap.blogspot.com/ Linda - http://lindasdreamdesigns.blogspot.com/ Candy - http://candystreasures.blogspot.com/ Joyful Moments Designs- http://digitalshop-margie.blogspot.com/ Shel - http://shelbellescraps.blogspot.com/ Joni http://mooscrapworld.blogspot.com/ Lei - http://fairydustprincess-magicmaker.blogspot.com/ BlueVelvet DeZigns- http://nutnbutdezigns.blogspot.com/ AllieKat Creations -- http://www.alliekatcreations.blogspot.com/ Lynn - http://themathematiciansassistant.com/ EmCeeScraps http://emceescraps.blogspot.com/ Buzybee Designs - http://buzybeehive.blogspot.com/ Deanna at Flower Scraps - http://flowerscrap.blogspot.com/ Anne - http://mousee23.sosblog.com/ Bits N Bobs - http://scrappingbits.blogspot.com/ Willow Grace Designs - http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/ Cyndi, Wetfish Designs - http://wetfishscraps.blogspot.com/ Bonnie/The Maltese Scrapper - http://bonniecarter.blogspot.com/ Mardesia - http://craftersboutique.blogspot.com/ Catt - http://cattscrapps.blogspot.com/ Gail - http://gails-space.blogspot.com/ Morgaine Creations© - http://morgainecreations-gone-scrappy.blogspot.com/ VanJo Designs- http://harley310.blogspot.com/ beckmoore(Debbie) - http://beckmoorescrapalittle.blogspot.com/ Elemental Pixie - http://www.elementalpixie.blogspot.com/ Isabella - http://www.lotsofprettythings.blogspot.com/ Wendy & Sarah - http://www.kikkinkreations.blogspot.com/ WillowRaven @ Purple Dragonfly Creations - http://www.purpledragonflycreations.blogspot.com/ Lynn - http://heavenlycrafts.blogspot.com/ Blind Sight Designs - http://blindsightdesigns.blogspot.com/ Bhe Lacson - http://www.bhebhethartzdesignz.blogspot.com/ Cottage Stella - http://stellarificcreations.blogspot.com/ Mandy - http://scrapswithspunkitude.harkinsfamilyblog.com/ Jessi-http://stormiescraps.blogspot.com/ SnapScrapCreate - http://snapscrapcreate.blogspot.com/ Panda Bear Designs - http://www.pandabeardesigns.blogspot.com/ My Sweet Tater http://tatersplace-mjstitch.blogspot.com/ Lois AKA Ladye - http://scrappinwithladye.blogspot.com/ Mary: http://barkingpenguinscraps.blogspot.com/ Stacy @ Kalo Designs http://kalodesigns.blogspot.com/ Dawne at Desert Bloom Designs - http://desertbloomdesigns.blogspot.com/ ScrapperGirl Designs http://scrappergirldesigns.blogspot.com/ Erika {aka PinkuPixie} - http://ppbits.blogspot.com/ by God's design - http://digibygodsdesign.biz/ Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara - http://creativedigitalscraps.blogspot.com/ Digital Scrap Fun - http://www.digitalscrapfun.blogspot.com/ Heather - http://giftedgoose.blogspot.com/
Thank you for your generous heart and beautiful designs. I have been following your blog for a long time now and I wish to pass an award on to you! You can pick it up on my blog!
Debbie a.k.a. debozark
Debbie's Digi Digest
thank you - looks great - looking forward to putting all the pieces together for Easter Sunday and for when the plants begin to come up.
TY so very much for your LOVELY contribution!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome kit. appreciate all the labor & talents that went into it tyfs
Thanks for your wonderful addition. Without wonderful designers like you I would not be able to do digital scrapbooking.
Beautiful frames! Thank you!
Thank you! You will be featured on the CU Freebies Only On Thursday March 26th 2009. Your Place to find Commercial Use Scrap Booking Freebies! Thanks For Sharing your Time and Talent with us!.
These frames are lovely. Thank you.
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