A kit with vintage tags, buttons, bows, string bows, tag frame & 6 papers. A cute little kit with a lot of potential.

Here is my freebie for the ADS Blog Train. This train is the best and you should visit all the participants. There are some great designers offering freebies for you. Mine is in my stores.
Hugs & Blessings
Here are all the other blogs participating:
Mags - http://magsgraphics.blogspot.com/ Wendy & Sarah - http://www.kikkinkreations.blogspot.com/ Angie (Elemental Pixie) - http://elementalpixie.blogspot.com/ Gina - http://gina-moondancecreations.blogspot.com/ Judith - http://justanotherscrap.wordpress.com/ Becky http://beckysscrap.blogspot.com/ A Changed Heart Designs - http://mommyaddictedtoscraps.blogspot.com/ Lei - http://fairydustprincess-magicmaker.blogspot.com/ Adele http://blindsightdesigns.blogspot.com/ Bonnie - http://maltesescrapper.com/ DesignsByAmilyn - http://www.designsbyamilyn.blogspot.com/ Candie - http://candiescreations.blogspot.com/ Cindi http://harley310.blogspot.com/ Linda @ http://lindasdreamdesigns.blogspot.com/ Donna - http://www.tootlebugz.com/ Gail - http://gails-space.blogspot.com/ Aubrey's Mom - http://scrappinbyaubreysmom.blogspot.com/ Jessie - http://stormiescraps.blogspot.com/ Vero - http://thescrappingtree.blogspot.com/ Crystal - http://www.digitalscrapfun.blogspot.com/ Diana - http://digitaldezerts.blogspot.com/ Penny - http://alliekatcreations.blogspot.com/ Mary - http://barkingpenguinscraps.blogspot.com/ Anne http://mousee23.sosblog.com/index.htm Arvita's - http://arvita-elams-flights-of-fancy.blogspot.com/ desiab @ Crafter's Boutique -- http://craftersboutique.blogspot.com/ Manda- http://www.disasterindesigns.com/ Wendi @ Willow Grace Designs - http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/ Buzybee (Penny Lewis) - http://buzybeehive.blogspot.com/ Deanna at Flower Scraps - http://flowerscrap.blogspot.com/ Debbie - http://beckmoorescrapalittle.blogspot.com/ Jenn Gigowski of BMC - http://busybeingblessed.com/ WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations - http://www.purpledragonflycreations.blogspot.com/ Jen - http://scrappingwithjen.blogspot.com/ Catmom - http://the-cats-meow-catmom.blogspot.com/ Bits N Bobs - http://scrappingbits.blogspot.com/ Morgaine Creations© - http://morgainecreations-gone-scrappy.blogspot.com/ CATT - http://cattscrapps.blogspot.com/ Deb - http://thescrappincop.blogspot.com/ Dawne of Desert Bloom Designs - http://desertbloomdesigns.blogspot.com/ EmCeeScraps - http://emceescraps.blogspot.com/ Vintage Paris Princess Designs - http://vintageparisprincess.blogspot.com/ Erikia {aka PinkuPixie} - http://ppbits.blogspot.com/ Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara - http://creativedigitalscraps.blogspot.com/ Joni - http://bouquetofpixels.blogspot.com/ Lynn - http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
I LOVE it! TY so much for sharing this beautiful kit with us!
Thanks for sharing this lovely kit. I love the little ornaments and the paper on the far right.
thank you for this awesome kit, appreciate all that went into it tyfs
very pretty tags Becky, very delicate looking
thank you
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