This is a new item in my stores. A free download of the bonus overlay is todays freebie.

9 Commercial Use Valentine Overlays. The bonus word art overlay is not shown in the preview. 12x12 300 dpi. Can be colorized or used as an overlay by playing with the blending modes. I think these would also be great for prom layouts, weddings, or any "LOVE" situation you have. Colored overlays are not included in the download, only the greyscale ones.
Reg. $1.99 Sale: $1.29Save: 35% off

Here is todays Freebie. It is the Bonus Valentine Overlay that is in the set I have for sale in my stores. Download Here
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the V - Word Art - Valentine post on Jan. 18, 2009. Please, notice that I've changed my url(and blinkie). Thanks again and Happy New Year.
Becky, I can't seem to get the freebie. I click the download here button and the png image comes up. I save it to my computer and can't see it. Says it's a Firefox Document. When I try to open in one of my programs it's just a bunch of mumble jumble computer language. Can you help me out here? I'd love to have the word art. It's beautiful. Thanks for all the freebies you give out - they are very much appreciated! Hugs!!
Hello, again! Went in thru Internet Explorer and got the overlay download ok. Must have something to do with the latest updates on Firefox because I got your stuff ok before the updates. Thanks for this overlay! Hugs!!
Thanks bunches!
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