Saturday, November 28, 2009

Free Victorian Gift Tags

I have a set of printable victorian gift tags for your freebie today. It will print on a regular sheet of computer paper. I hope you like them and can use them. Just click on the image and it will take you to the full size image which you can download to your computer by right clicking on it..I want to thank everyone for their continued support.
Hugs and Blessings


  1. These are adorable! I'm going to use them on my Livejournal profile:

    Thank you so much,

  2. Hi Becky I'm one of the editors of the Down the Primitive Path Ezine
    we are currently working on our christmas issue there is a couple of sets of gift tags here that I would like to offer in the issue for christmas so I'm asking for your permission to use them and will provide a link back to your blog for allowing us to use them..
    Please email me @ and let me know if this is ok with you.. Hugs
