Sunday, May 24, 2009

A free digital scrapbook overlay


I made a unique flowery digital scrapbook overlay for you today. Hope you like it. Click on the preview or HERE to go to the full size preview. right click and save it to your computer.
Hope you are having a great weekend
Hugs and Blessings


  1. hi
    we saw your work and we so love it
    for this reason we would like to invite you to our store as a designer
    no forum, no collab, no ct only time for creating :)
    also we dont have any setup fee and no paypal fee either
    you can see the store here
    and contact us here
    thank you

  2. thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL talent!! :) sounds like you got a GREAT deal offered in the above comment!! CONGRATS! :) Have a safe & LOVELY holiday!!

  3. If the only way to save it is as a jpg, then I don't think it's an overlay. I'm new at this, but an overlay should blend with what it lays over? Without saving it as a png, that won't be able to be done. right? Would love the png...

  4. Hi Erika,
    If you are using photoshop or psp you can double click on the background in the layers palette and convert it to a layer instead of a flattened image. I hope I explained it right. Or you can drag it from the layers palette into another opened image. If you still want a png of this, let me know and I will e-mail one to you.
    Hugs & Blessings
