Saturday, November 15, 2008

Crazy Christmas Auction

I saw this on another blog It looks like a lot of fun.

1. Print up Cold Christmas Cash in denominations of $1-$100.
2. Figure out how many people are attending and triple it. Fill one third of the envelopes with $1,ooo in Christmas Cash. Fill one third with varying amounts from $1,000-2,000 and set aside. Fill the last third with $50-$150 in cash and set aside. I got three large hat boxes from Hobby Lobby for mine so I can reuse everything each year.
3. Call, write or snail/email everyone and remind them to bring a wrapped gift (disguised items are even better, like gift card in large box, etc.). They will get one of the orginal envelopes ($1K) for it. Then to get another envelope the have to bring a second gift (regifting is ok) or even a third. For each one of these they get to pull an envelope from the other boxes.
4. They count their money and get ready for the fun. All gift bags/boxes, etc are laid out for shaking, sniffing, etc. This is where disguising comes in handy.
5. Prior to this I have been purchasing/crafting and then wrapping small items over the year which goes into a large basket and is put up. These are the Blue Light Specials I will explain later.
6. The auction is called to order and begins. I choose a package and hold it up as they bid on it. I love to watch sister's try and outbid each other or the scheming by one group lol. One aunt requires a minder (her husband) as she tries to spend more than she has (just like it real life he says.). I try and alternate large and small packages or sometimes will lump several together. About half way through I call for a Blue Light Specials. Anyone can choose a package from my basket for $1 but are limited to one.
When people run out of money they sit back and enjoy the show or put each other up to do stuff. The auction ends when the packages are gone. I collect all the money and put back up for the next year. There will be a twist this year. One of the first small packages will contain another envelope of Christmas Cash.
If your family gathering sound like the ones we used to have, give this a try. It may make all the difference to the gatherings.

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