Friday, May 1, 2009

NSD Sales and a new blog look

All of my stores are having sales for National Scrapbooking Day. Check them out. They are listed on the side of my blog. And how do you like the new look of my blog. I wanted something different for spring/summer. Have a great weekend!
Hugs & Blessings


  1. Hey Becky - You signed up for the ADSD May Collab (Sunshine Beach) which launched today.

    Please post your part on your blog, because people will be stopping here looking for it.
    Mags, ADSD Admin

  2. Hey Becky, I just wanted to let you know that a lot of gals that come on my blog go to yours from the blinkie that I have, just wanted to let you know. Yours is the busiest of all that I have. Anyway, I love your new look not as busy as the last look. Very nice.

  3. your new look is WONDERFUL! :) And thank you for sharing a sample freebie too (previous post!) i do hope you pop by my blog to see the layout i made using one of your AWESOME butterflies! :) Have a SUPER weekend!!

  4. Lovely new look! Very easy on the eyes!
