Thursday, May 7, 2009

Free candybar wrapper printable

I thought I'd give you a free candybar wrapper today. I know money is tight for a lot of people and I thought this would make a nice wrapper for Mothers Day. Add a picture, a quote, your heartfelt message or whatever to make it special for Mom, print it and wrap a hersheys chocolate bar. Here is a quote I like.

You were the one who rocked me to sleep before I could say good-night, made my bedtime stories come to life, and pushed my swing so high I could touch the clouds.
But best of all you showed me the beauty in the world and how to reach for the stars.

Hugs & Blessings


  1. This is WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing! :) Have a FANTASTIC day!! :)

  2. i LOVE the quote too! :) Thank you for sharing it, as well!!
